How much does it cost to build a pool in California?
Imagine having a sundeck and a soothing swimming pool welcoming you whenever you need that therapeutic plunge! This intriguing idea may...

Champion Construction Company Summer Sale!
Click here to view our limited time summer sale! You don't want to miss this! http://shoutout.wix.com/so/3KvasYaN#/main

Our very own Champion!
Read all about Champion Construction Company owner Steve Quinonez Jr and his quest to become a boxing world champion!

Contact the professionals at Champion Construction Company for beautiful results like this!
This image is a small example of our excellent work and Quality craftsmanship. This is a very attractive walkway that we completed which...

This is for our Do It Yourselfers
I decided to add some DIY quick tips for those of you who want to save a buck. Links and Video are courtesy to our friends at Mashable....

YIKES! Cathedral City bomb scare!
Read about it HERE and be careful out there everyone! God Bless from Champion Construction Company.